Insight Technology Solutions is proud to announce our latest prime contract award to provide Availability Project Manager (APM) and Data Analyst support for the USCG Icebreaker, Buoy, and Construction Tender Product Line (IBCTPL).

The IBCTPL provides logistics and engineering support to maintain the operational readiness of assets that include the 240' WLBB, 225’ WLB, 175’ WLM, and 140’ WTGB cutters. IBCTPL assets conduct wide-ranging missions maintaining navigable waterways and aids to navigation throughout the U.S.
Insight APMs and Data Analysts will provide important technical and management support so that IBCTPL assets can complete depot level maintenance. We will have direct responsibility for initiation, planning, execution, and closeout of scheduled and unscheduled depot level maintenance with the goal of getting these cutters back to their missions on schedule.
For more information on the contract award, or to discuss Insight’s engineering logistics support services, please contact Andrew Cole at